What Can Facebook Do for Your Marketing Efforts?
At one time, all you had to do to get good placement in the SERPs and draw in tons of traffic is to place the right keywords in your blog posts and web content. In more recent times, the best strategy for most was to combine all of that off and on-site SEO with well tested and thought out PPC campaigns.
Today, search engine marketing is becoming more time consuming and confusing for some. On and off-site SEO is still very important and PPC campaigns have their place, but there is also a huge emphasis now placed on marketing through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
These sites are visited by millions of people every day and there are even many people who could be considered addicted to some of the sites. These social networking junkies will check in with their Facebook accounts several times a day with …
What Can Facebook Do for Your Marketing Efforts? Read More