Is An SEO Job Right For You?
Search Engine Optimization Or SEO Can Be The Right Job For You
When you use Google or other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo and enter search terms (keywords), the search engine will search billions of their pages that are indexed, decide which pages are most relevant to your search terms and show them based on relevance.
The ranking of a keyword is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It’s been estimated that the #1 ranking for a specific keyword can result in up to 40% of those searching for the keyword click through to the site. The lifeblood to any commercial site is traffic and the search ranking is a function of how much free traffic the site receives.
The first page ranking on Google and Yahoo can provide an increase in free traffic with the corresponding increase in sales and profits. Website marketing through focused SEO …
Is An SEO Job Right For You? Read More