Search Engine Optimization Or SEO Can Be The Right Job For You
When you use Google or other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo and enter search terms (keywords), the search engine will search billions of their pages that are indexed, decide which pages are most relevant to your search terms and show them based on relevance.
The ranking of a keyword is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It’s been estimated that the #1 ranking for a specific keyword can result in up to 40% of those searching for the keyword click through to the site. The lifeblood to any commercial site is traffic and the search ranking is a function of how much free traffic the site receives.
The first page ranking on Google and Yahoo can provide an increase in free traffic with the corresponding increase in sales and profits. Website marketing through focused SEO can provide a strong return on investment for many web-based businesses.
SEO Work Involves A Variety Of Skills And Functions
Starting with keyword research. What do people search for in search engines? The keywords and key phrases used in the search are analyzed to determine the frequency, how much competition, and their compatibility with the proposed content from the planned website. A number of closely related phrases are planned for each page of the site. Selected phrases are then naturally included in the page content.
Increasing The Supposed Authority of the SIte
The second step in the SEO process is increasing the supposed authority of the site. This is accomplished by adding one-way links coming into specific pages of the site. Links vary in value, but in general the more incoming links the higher the page will rank.
Incoming links can be attracted in a variety of ways but usually can be accomplished by creating content that spreads around the internet. It can include articles, blog comments, blog posts, videos, directory listings and other comments about the site.
Getting Into SEO Can Be Done In A Variety Of Ways
Many begin by learning to optimize their website. They find the right combination of keyword phrases and analyze their traffic from time to time. They learn to use the latest software that automates several functions. Attending a conference is another route for taking valuable SEO strategies.
Others find jobs in small local companies that specialize in doing SEO work for local organizations. A small but growing industry has started helping local companies rank well for localized search terms. To rank high for the term “insurance broker,” would be extremely difficult but to rank for the term “Independence Missouri insurance broker” with some work would be doable.
Entry-level SEO jobs are advertised in online job postings and there are a few agencies that specialize in placing candidates in online marketing positions.
It’s Surprising The Range Of Skills Needed To Succeed In An SEO Position
It is a job that is constantly changing. You need good analytical skills. Many times you’ll be asked to produce appropriate content. So you must be a good writer and communicator.
Other times you’ll be asked to sell your skills and the value of the function. Because many positive results are achieved over time, this requires a complete understanding of the steps required in successful project management.
A Basic Understanding Of HTML And Web Design Will Also Be Very Valuable
You have to keep up with changes in social media sites and other developing internet ideas to provide the best for your work.
SEO position and the application of effective SEO principles can pay well
Jobs can range from running a local SEO business to one person helping local businesses rank well for local search. Next, it might be a small company that specializes in SEO with a broader group of clients. Also, it can be a full-service web design company with an SEO department. Or it could be a larger organization, where you work in the marketing department, and build traffic for a number of websites.
As your skills improve and you build a successful track record, your compensation will increase when you add value to the organization’s web marketing efforts.